
Japanese version of "I'm a Mac, I'm a PC"

You might not know this about me, but I am a Mac addict. I learned all my graphic stuff on Macs in college. I couldn't afford one, so I went back to a PC when we got married. It was awful. When I was able to finally afford one, I bought one and will forever be a Mac girl. I say, "Once you go Mac, you never got back." I own two. Actually I own 3, but the third died a few years back and I can't part with it even though it will never live again.

I'm sure you've seen the "I'm a Mac, I'm a PC" commercials. They are awesome. I really wonder how many PC users it has converted? What a great marketing strategy.

I ran across some ads I have not seen . . . Japanese versions and they are pretty funny. Enjoy!


Alexis Jacobs said...

That is hilarious!! I love the US commercials. I am proud to say that I have always been a Mac girl and have never had to work on PCs. Too bad my husband doesn't share the same love that I have for my mac.

Cerella said...

Girl, I LOVE and I mean ABSOLUTELY LOVE my Mac as well! I never want to go back to a pc. Definitely, once you go Mac, you never go back!!!!