
This and That

Check out Jen's blog. She's got some great new picture additions taking us back in time . . . See them here!

And then, yesterday, it was announced that the University of Illinois are getting rid of "The Chief". Here is a short synopsis of the history of the Chief. It is all quite sad. If your daddy went to college at the U of I and you grew up watching him perform at Illini games, your memories of that Indian guy are quite strong. I for one, will really miss him. Here's Michelle's story at her blog. Check it out. And this is what led up to the dismissal of the Chief. And here is a report by CBS news on the U of I saying "goodbye". It's pretty big news for the college world.

And our big news. We have more snow. Uh-huh, yep, you heard it right. We have 4 more inches of that fluffy white stuff. It is quite pretty this morning the way it's covering up the already 12 inches of snow. It looks like this gigantic never-ending blanket. I need to get out and take some pictures but I'm still in my pj's, so that won't happen anytime soon.

And then I love Corie's blog about Random Acts of Kindness. I think we all need a little reminding of this from time to time. So please take a look and then go out and do something today that makes a difference - no matter how small - because as long as it produces a smile, it will touch someone's life.

And then a little home building decision update - - - I think we are probably going to go with Builder #2. We have the plans, so maybe I'll scan those today and share them with you? Stay tuned! And thank you all for helping aid in our decision. Neil was thinking what all of you were thinking the whole time - that we should go with higher quality because most likely we will spend the biggest majority of our life in this new home.

And to end it off, I have to share this picture that I saw over at Cute Overload.


Alexis Jacobs said...

I'm glad you've made a decision!! Yeah!!

Jen said...

Glad you've made a decision. Love the kitty pic. Adorable