
Photo classes for free!?

Just curious . . .

Anyone interested in learning some new photo things/techniques/skills? I'd love to share with you . . . my friends. Not that I know everything about photography, because oh my goodness, I DON'T! But to not share some of the photography things inside my tiny little brain makes me feel like I'm keeping secrets from you . . . things that could be put to good use to create better photographs of the things you cherish most in your life . . . your family. So let me know. If I get a good response, perhaps it's something I'll do each week just for you.

Have a great week. Wow is it beautiful here! Hope it is in your neck of the woods also.


Tracey said...

I'd love it! I've always admired your photos and would love to get some tips from a pro.

Kellyology said...

I'd love it as well. I got a new camera this year and and having lots of fun getting new fabulous picturs. I'd love some improvement tips.

Corie said...

Bring on the tips Val!!! :)

And, it is beautiful in our neck of the woods. Glad y'all are enjoying the great weather as well!!! Hope it holds out until our family pictures! We have this amazing photographer booked! :)

Anonymous said...

I'd love it Val! Even some terminology would help me out. I guess I could always just read the manual to my camera! ;)

Jaclyn said...

Jaclyn here from Storknet. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear some tips from you! We got a Nikon d50 about 18 months ago and it's time I start learning some good stuff!


Erin said...

Yes, yes, yes!!! That's very exciting. I'm always up for better ways to make my photos look great. Scrapbooking and all. Enjoy your weekend.

Michelle said...

Share, share, share! That would be so kind of you!! :)

Jamie said...

Where do I sign up??

A said...

Heck ya girl. How about some photoshop tips?

Unknown said...

Thanks for your responses! A post is up! :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am in love with digital photography and am soaking up info from every place possible. GIVE ME MORE! :)

Monkey Kisses said...

Yes I would love to learn.. I cant figure out my camera for the life of me though.. urrgggg.. as far as focusing without flash and shutter speed.. i have to figure all that out.. Thanks for the comment about my boys eyes.. whichever one... they both have awesome eyes... dont know where they came from!!!LOL...

Anonymous said...

Oh, Valley, you are so awfully, very nice to share all that you've worked and practiced so hard to learn--and I'd love to learn it from you! I've long admired your work. Any time you need chemistry tips, let me know!