
Baby D latest

Nat just went to the doctor and has not progressed at all. She is scheduled to be induced on Wed the 21st. She is starting to go down the same road as Michelle, it appears! I just hope Nat does not have to be induced, either, and that Baby D decides to come on his own. Induction is so not fun. I know, I'm a professional when it comes to having Pitocin shot through my body. But I guess, like Nat said, he's wanting to stay away from the cold! I don't blame him there!


Jennifer said...

I was induced 2X and never had a problem...but I was meant to have child in anyway hey came out..all my births were way to easy. No Hollywood horror stories here.
Faith 8hrs
Gracie 4hrs (got epi at 8cm)
Christian 4 hours (no epi needed)
Andrew 2 1/2 hrs, never felt any pain

Woman hate me......

Michelle said...

Hang in there, Nat! Induction was not a bad experience for me at all! It was the waiting that was the hardest!

Best wishes!! :)