
Self-portrait Challenge

(click on me to make me bigger!)
I had an idea to take pictures of my hair to show you since I just got it colored and love the results. Once I started snapping pictures, it got a little out of control. So with the pictures I took of myself with my new hair, I decided to muster up a collage. As I was doing it, I thought maybe I'd use one of the pictures as ny new "about me" picture, and then I thought I'd use the collage as a new header for my blog . . . I don't know. But what I did decide is that I would extend a challenge to all my bloggin' friends to do a self-portrait of themselves and post it in the next couple of days. Great idea, if I do say so myself!

You might think I used some fancy camera, but I didn't. Most of the pictures I put up here on Purple Valley are taken on my small Panasonic point-and-shoot. I swear, it's nothing fancy, but it does take pretty good pictures most of the time, and I know two of my bloggin' friends (and one non-bloggin' one who I wish would start bloggin') have the same exact camera. So my challenge is just that - to take a couple pictures of yourself, pick your favorite and then post it. I know Cerella will be up to this challenge as she gets camera happy a lot like I do! There's no prize except that maybe I'll link ya in my blog to my favorite self-portrait. And if you don't do one, I'm going to call you chicken. There's no reason not to. Believe me, there are plenty of things I don't like about my face, but that won't stop me from sharing my smile with you.

Now go get busy!


Chel said...

And I'm working to have as few pictures of me as possible... I can't seem to have one that doesn't make me all critical of myself.

Alexis Jacobs said...

I hate pictures of myself.

Unknown said...

Then why did you have me take pictures of you?! :-p :-p

Cerella said...

Oh, yeah! You KNOW I'm in!!!

Unknown said...

I knew you would be. Everyone else - pooey on them!

Leesha said...

I'll give it a try, Val. You are so carefree!

Corie said...

Val, I will give it a whirl this weekend. Oh, and just so you know, I think your pictures of yourself are beautiful! :)

LiLi said...

OK give me a bit, I'll do it! Shucks, does it have to be self? I really can't have Chewie do it for me? He's much better than I!