The dreaded "D"
It is another day and with that, the dreaded "d" word has made it's appearance from Noah. Ugh. I was hoping this would not start, but from what I have read online, I should have known he wasn't going to escape from getting it. I thought he was getting better, but this morning, after attempting to give him a drink, he threw every ounce of it up and then the other happened out the other end. Ewww. I'm really going to worry now because this is when dehydration can get bad. He has lost weight, you can tell, and for my boy that is not good. He's so very tiny as it is. So back to worrying for me . . . and cleaning up even more yucky messes.
Maia, I think she has it, but it's nothing like Noah. She's got a fever, has thrown up 3 or 4 times and has had "d" too, but when she's not experiencing these things, she's running all over the place. She's not eating or drinking much, but on the most part she is a million times better than Noah. I can't believe we're in day 3 of massive vomiting for him. When will it stop?!
I thought I would share something kinda interesting. I'm sure, especially if you have toddlers, you all know of the Doodlebops. Some of you may even refer to them as the dreaded "D". (hehe) Noah dislikes them (usually) but Maia really loves them. I personally find them rather freaky. I prefer watching Boobah or even the Teletubbies! Anyhow, I have always wondered what they looked like without all that makeup on. So I found some pictures and thought I'd just post them for a little fun.
I had always found myself wondering about Rooney Doodle, and here he is, real name, Chad McNamara. unmasked. Kind of a cutie! Then there is DeeDee Doodle, real name Lisa Lennox (she is quite pretty), and Moe Doodle, real name Jonathan Wexler (I love his pink shirt, tie and snazzy suit a lot!).How in the world do they put on all that makeup, big fake scary hands, wigs and bright tight costumes and sing and dance like they are 4 again? I don't know. It sure takes talent and I'm sure glad it's not me! I'll stick to photography.