
Shameless plug . . vote for me.?!.

I was surfing through one of my favorite sites, Shutter Sisters, and in the "Daily Click" section, I was pleasantly surprised (or not) to see a picture of me on there. (gasp.) Thankfully I'm not all that in focus and what's really funny is that I took this one morning when I hadn't showered and didn't have an ounce of makeup on (you can't see my face so that doesn't really matter, I guess) and I was just sitting on my back patio as the kids played on the swings. I tend to find myself doing this quite often -- just sitting, looking, trying to find something to shoot a picture of. And this time, I looked into the sliding glass door and saw myself in it, so I shot what I was looking at. (It's fun shooting reflections, whatever it may be.) It was as simple as that, really. I posted it to my flickr, and low and behold, it made it onto a website unknowningly. (If you were sitting here, you'd hear a teeny squeal of delight coming from me..)

Anyway, it's not usually that big of a deal except this time, the photo with the most comments from the Daily Click get put into a book. Yes, a book! Not that I want a picture of me in the book, but to have a picture that I took in a book is pretty snazzy. So go comment away. Please! And if you do comment (there and here - so I know you did, please), and I recognize you, I think I might put your name in a hat and draw one. (Yes! Great idea, Val!) If you get chosen, you get a free Shutter Sisters Photography book! :) Maybe the contest part will get you to comment. That's all it takes. A comment, both here and there. (like all my linkage?) But please, please be nice :)

{ Oh, and please don't say how wonderful I am or whatever (not that I'm not, hehe), but just say that you like that picture best and just comment once please. Merci :) }


Jennifer said...

Well I voted... BEFORE I READ THE LAST LINE...so I went to say how fabulous you were toooo, sorry!

just keeping it real:)

Alexis Jacobs said...

Done :)

Anonymous said...

Ditto! : )

LiLi said...

my job here is done (and it was totally my pleasure)

Greta said...

Comment? Check.

Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

opppppppppps didnt read the last part
but you are wonderful

Anonymous said...

I commented!

Jennifer said...

I commented, there and here ;0)

candypb said...

I did it.

Corie said...

Heading over to comment now... ;)

Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

there is an award for you on my blog :)


Katie said...

I do love it. It captures such a casual, comfortable moment. Much love!

Rebecca said...

i left you a comment... there i mean... i love you photography... i would love to learn the in's and out's... didn't you start a 'photography 101' blog a while back???


Cate said...

Val, that was a really cool shot. I had no trouble going there and saying it was my favorite because it was! :)

Johanna said...

Done and Done!