
Making the most of it

When our power was out the first day, we tried to make the most of it. It was cold in the house, so we may as well have been outside. Our little neighbor friend, Chloe, was outside sledding. Noah kept saying "I want to snowball with Chloe". It was so cute. So I had Neil (who was already outside cutting tree limbs) go ask if it was ok if he came out to play. Of course Vickie (Chloe's mama) said "Sure!" and so I bundled Noah up to go out and play. Maia and I stayed inside by the fire that we had going in the fire place, and Vickie came over and got Noah. So here are some pictures of him getting all bundled up (reminded me of "The Christmas Story"), Noah waving "Bye" to me and then the kids playing.

I caught Vickie even havin' a little fun! Look, she put Noah to work! *giggle*

They all had so much fun! Noah's cheeks are still rosey!

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