
Re-posting ~ pregnancy advice

My friend, Corie, posted a funny entry in her blog today. You'll have to go check it out. Made me laugh. It also got me to thinking about a blog entry I posted a while ago at my old Yahoo 360 account which I don't think anyone ever read but Alexis (love you for being so loyal to me, AJ!). So I thought, hey, I'll post this certain past post entry on pregnancy over here and maybe even post some of my others for memories-sake in the days to come just because I might not have anything else to talk about. (I know you are thinking "yeah, right, Val" as you roll your eyes.) So here is my post from June 2006 which I had originally written for my two at-the-time preggie friends, Katie and Kristin. Maybe those of you thinkin' to have babies will be able to benefit from this. If not, well then it's just more useless information.

Great news!! Two very good friends of mine are pregnant! Katie, a friend of mine from "nerd" camp the summer after my 8th grade year (she was chosen to be my roommate), and Kristin, a friend from 7th grade on (it's been 18 years - wow!).

I'm so excited for each of them because they deserve to become mothers. They are going to be so wonderful at it. There are no two people more deserving of good things than Katie and Kristin. Katie is due in October (very near Noah and Maia's birthdays, and Katie's own birthday as well) and Kristin is due in January. I told Kristin that one day when she got pregnant, I'd probably have all kinds of advice or words of wisdom for her. So after she told me her great news, I compiled a list of things I wish I had known. Things doctors don't always tell you, things some books don't even tell you! So this list is for both of you. Love you and hope you enjoy.

Val's List of Pregnancy Things You Should Know:

* Things grow faster. Your nails grow faster and are stronger and your hair grows faster (and falls out less). Both two very positive things, I think!

* They say you shouldn't eat deli meat. I never did with Noah, but craved it when pregnant with Maia and broke the rules. Nothing happened, I was fine. My suggestion is to just go with your gut feeling on this, as with most things.

* You'll probably forget things during pregnancy, especially the simplest tasks. It's ok. But just don't do what I did but learn from me. Don't forget to take the gas pump out of your gas tank, turn the car on, and then leave. That's not a good thing, believe me.

* Not everyone gets stretch marks. They say it's a genetic thing, and that rang true for me. I didn't get them, but I did get other things some don't...like 'roids. EEK. Not fun. Call me if you get them. I have more advice on this topic!

* Your veins will get darker and bigger, all because of the increase of blood flow. This can cause all kinds of things to happen. Your eyesight can worsen, you can get (and probably have gotten) dizzy, and nose bleeds are common. I had nosebleeds almost every day. FYI - always carry extra tissues with you - especially when walking. I seemed to always get them when I went on walks. Thankfully it was fall when I got the majority of mine so I was able to use leaves when I didn't have tissues handy. He.

* One of the best things I feel I did for myself during my 2nd pregnancy was hire a doula. She was fabulous. I would do it again, too. I'd love to discuss how she benefited both myself and Neil if you're interested.

* When you read the pregnancy books, DO NOT SKIP OVER (or even skim) the c-section part. I never ever thought I would have a c-section and so I never read about them. I should have. It would have helped me emotionally, mentally and physically get through it had I read it and been educated on it. It would have also helped Neil know what I was going through when he wasn't even able to be in the delivery room with me. Read it please!

* Another great decision I made was to use a birthing ball during labor. It made my contractions less intense. I tried lots of different positions and the ball was the best. Also, don't lay flat on your back during labor. It makes it so much worse, especially if you have back labor. Get out of bed if you can. That's the best thing. But if you absolutely have to be in bed, stay laying on your side. (Spoken from someone who has been in over 40 hours of labor total!)

* Another serious note. If you are given the choice whether to be induced or not, don't be. Pitocin is really rough. I feel like in both pregnancies, the pitocin made my contractions so intense so quickly that it's the reason for putting both my babies into distress. You don't want that if you can keep from it.

* Take advantage of people ooo'ing and ahh'ing over your pregnant body. The attention will soon be taken away from you. So take advantage of people admiring your belly, admiring your pretty complexion, holding doors open for you, giving you their seat in the waiting rooms, and so on. It's those small moments that you really have to cherish. So have fun with it.

After I had the babies, I wish I had known...

...that you lose a large amount of hair a few months after birth (Enough for you to notice and enough for you to have some bald patches - yes, I'm not kidding - so be thankful, both of you, that you have nice thick hair!)

...that I actually *would* be able to get back into my pre-pregnancy clothes! I never ever thought I would based on people telling me that I wouldn't. Granted, it took 9 months for me to do that, but it also took me 9 months for my belly to expand to what it was. So if you put your mind to it, you can do it too! (So don't do like I did and sell all your pre-pregnancy clothes!)

...that breast feeding is *not* as easy as it looks, but it's worth EVERY penny - every sore nipple, every engorgement, every plugged duct. It's really worth it, so don't give up. And if you need help or support or just a lending ear through the first few weeks, please know that I'm here for you! (It took me 6 weeks with Noah to get the hang of it and 3 with Maia.)

...that you can't be afraid to ask if you ever have questions. Whether it's medical advice or just a mom-to-mom question, never hesitate to pick up the phone. You can easily get tired and go a little crazy as a new mama!

...that having your baby use a pacifier is OK! And when it comes to orthodontics, it's actually better to use a pacifier versus sucking the thumb.

...that co-sleeping is ok, as well as using the car seat as a bed for the baby when you need to. Always do what you feel is best for you, the baby and your family as a whole.

...that (on the funny side of things) you will use the word "poop" and "pee-pee" a lot in adult conversations. You will. Trust me. *smile*

...that it's OK to let the baby cry sometimes. Especially when you're at your wits end and you can't figure out why the baby is crying, as long as he/she isn't hurt, set them down, walk out the room and take some deep breaths. Believe me, it's so worth it and you'll be glad you did.

I'm sure I will add to this list as time goes on, but hopefully this will start you off well with one mother to another advice. Happy pregnancy! Enjoy it because it's goes entirely too fast. I miss the kicks the most. That's one thing you cannot reinact no matter what you do. So really savor those moments.

Katie had her baby in October - little Miss Rachel K, and Kristin had her baby just two weeks ago, little Mr Jack L. Who knows if my "words of wisdom" were enlightening or beneficial for them at all, but at least I enjoyed reminscing - on most accounts, anyway. Haha.

Anyone else want to add to my lists?


Anonymous said...

These are good bits of advice! I will have to send your link to a couple of friends, who are expecting soon! The books never seem to cover the "oh, my golly what should I do" moments, so I agree that its best to just pick up a phone and call a friend...even if it has to do with roids...ha!!!

Corie said...

Val, I loved your pregnancy and post pregnancy advice. Whenever it is time for us to have children, you bet I will be giving you a call! :)
I'm gonna have to have my friend read your post.