
The papers are signed and the check handed over!

Happy happy news!!!!!

Tonight we "closed" on our lot of land!! Woo-hoooooo! We are now land owners and we have an address! Now when that address will have a house on it is another question. Alexis asked me if I got a picture of myself on the land. I told her that I didn't yet, but to count herself lucky because if she still lived here, I'd be dragging her over there with me and she'd be snapping the picture! Who wants to go?!

No, I'm not excited at all.

Carry on.


Alexis Jacobs said...

Congrats, congrats congrats!!!

Corie said...

Congratulations Val!!! You do disguise your "excitedness" very well! :)
Can't wait to see that first picture of you on your land!

Erin said...

Congratulations!!! That's very exciting. When we got our lot I asked my husband if I could go set up a lawnchair and sit there for a while to enjoy my new piece of the world. We finally finalized our plan last night. Yay!

Michelle said...

Yeah! Congrats!!

When you go out there to take your picture, watch out for those camping coyotes!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Ooooo, congratulations, that's awesome!!! Here via the party!!!