
Totally blog-worthy.

In the past week and a half, I have been out of my house twice. Last week I was feeling so poopy that I never had the energy to leave. So Saturday was my first day out in a week and it was for a very cool reason: to shoot pictures of my very lovely and beautiful sister-in-law Ashley. She wanted pictures and I had wanted to do them, so Ash, her mom, sister and myself all headed out on our photo shoot. We had so much fun and I had never seen Ash look so beautiful, cute and spunky before. I've only proofed a small handful, but of those, this one is my fave:


Isn't she adorable? She and hubby look so much alike! We did some fun shoots with her beloved Twilight Saga Series of books and also her Jonas Brothers Rolling Stones edition, as well as her cute baby blue converse and tie-dyed knee-high socks. Back when I was 13 and if I had had this opportunity, my pictures would have been with my Babysitter's Club or Judy Blume books and my latest BOP magazine with the (young version!) New Kids on the Block, and I'd be wearing my jean jacket, white keds and tight-rolled jeans (and in case you need a reminder on how to do that, check out this site). Oh how things have changed. I must say the hair styles are adorable now. What were we thinking with the feathered permed hair?!

Today I got out again. And it was a day of bravery. We met Heather to get her invitations printed, went to Starbucks, walked to Target, then I took Noah to get his hair cut (he looks so handsome by the way), and since I had a lot of time before my hair appointment at 5, we went to lunch and then I took the kids to the zoo. Neil left for Chicago this morning and would be gone overnight, so I had no reason to be home. We met Heather in the zoo and she gave us extra special treatment there as she always does (she is such a rockin' zoo keeper!).

You won't believe what I did. Well, first of all, I didn't have my camera with me because of this being a spontaneous trip, and that in itself is pretty shocking. I did, however, have my camera phone. Yay! Because, well, just look at the picture. This is what I did:

me and a spotted beauty..

What a lifetime experience!!! I still can't believe I did it. I was soooo nervous walking in there, but soooo glad I did it. How many people can say they've petted a cheetah?! I canNOT wait to do it again and be able to bring my REAL camera this time. Such friendly beautiful amazing creatures. And the little (ha ha!) guys were purring so loudly! It was truly an amazing experience.

Then it was off to my wonderful beautician's place. I've been having issues and decided to cut all my hair off, at the same time, deciding to donate it to Pantene Pro-V's Beautiful Lengths program which is a hair donation program for women with cancer. Well, I didn't spur-of-the-moment just decide to donate it. This is why I kept growing my hair and growing my so I could one day donate it. I just never thought that "one day" would happen this quickly. I was going to wait till after Heather's wedding in September, but timing was right for me to cut it now. So I did. Well, Kim did.

It was pretty scary. I was so nervous and on the verge of tears. Kim said, "you aren't going to cry on me, are you?". I said "I'm trying not to!". She said, "would wine help you?" knowing just how incredibly stressed I was about this. I said, "um, yeah, do you have some?", and she said, "yeah, you want a glass or two?" I said "yes please!", so my wonderful friend/beautician came out with large glass of sweet red wine and that really did help. Bless her!

Deep breath.

She pulled it back and all at once, it was gone! Of course she styled it and all that jazz, and I have to say, I'm quite happy. So here's the new me:


And here's some of my locks. Wahhhh! But ultimately, I have to remember why I did this. It's still hard. Such a change!

For you, Beautiful Lengths

I get my blood test results back on Thursday. Please be thinking of me. I'm so stressed out about all this . . .


Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

wow what an experience Val
bless you for donating your hair
your beautiful Val
praying for you

Anonymous said...

Your hair is adorable! I don't miss my hair at all and have decided to stay short for the rest of my life!! Hope you are feeling better soon, hang in there.

Michelle said...

Hair is CUTE!!!! Looks so good! :)

And Ash--looks amazing!! I have to go and check out more of the pics! Can't wait!

And um, fun stuff...petting a cheetah! :)

Good luck tomorrow!

Alexis Jacobs said...

You already know ho much I LOVE the hair. It is so cute and spunky and you look so young. It really looks great on you.

The cheetahs were so cool. Are they soft like a cat or is their hair wirey?

And Ash... wow. I cannot believe she is the same age as Emily. **thud** Emily looks like such a baby. But as the mom, that's okay. :-)

Jennifer said...

I LOVE IT!!!! I love it, love it, love it!!! It's so cute!

And the cheetah! WOW, wasn't that something. Now not everyone can say they petted a Cheetah! That is too coool!

can't wait to see more pictures of Ashley....


Unknown said...

Thank you, everyone! I woke up this morning totally forgetting about hair and when I reached back to pull it into a ponytail, I was like "Gahhh!". I'm still liking it today, though. Washing it will be really different but I have a feeling I'm going to like the ease again.

Can you imagine being someone like Heather? These are her babies! She's got a really amazing (and dangerous) job!

Anonymous said...

HOLY CRAP!!! (excuse my language) LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE your hair!!! Girl! You are looking gorgeous : ) I think it's hawt! I know it's a big step (I know!) but I love it. I think I said that already.

And petting a cheetah? You are nuts. I don't think I could have done that. They probably smell fear right? Well, I would have been a nice appetizer for that one.

The picture of Ashley is gorgeous. I can't wait to see the rest of them.

I hope you feel better (physically and emotionally) soon! You're in my thoughts and prayers every day, darlin'!


Jamie said...

Val long time since I check out your blog but I love love the hair!!! its sooo cute.

Anonymous said...

blood test? {{hugs}}...

Cheetah..OMG that is so awesome. I would have pottied in my pants a little but would have been ALL over that opportunity.

The hair is AWESOME! Luv it.

Great...you do know that rolling your jeans has totally come back. I'm not kidding at all. Katie Holmes is doing it ALL over the internet.

Unknown said...

Erin, your post made me giggle out loud! You are so cute! xxoo

J ~ thank you, girl. We MUST get together. Must must must.

MP, talk about making me giggle -- "pottied in my pants" -- HA!!!

Johanna said...

OMG!!! It looks great!!! Love it!!! I'll be thinking of you on Thursday girl!!

LiLi said...

OMG, I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE your hair!!! It's beautiful (well you are beautiful, so it stands to reason)... I'm really proud of you. We are trying to do that with Maegan's hair through Locks of Love! How exciting and scary all at the same time. Beautiful result!

Good luck on your test results, I hope all is well... I'm trying not to worry over here!!! (hugs) I can't wait to see you in the spring in TX!

Anonymous said...

wow, so cool getting to get that close to a cheetah! I love the new do & so totally YOU to donate to a worthy cause. Fingers crossed for easy-to-fix results on the blood test! (((hugs)))

Corie said...

You are so brave Val!!! I don't know if I could pet a cheetah or cut my hair... it looks fantastic on you! Love it... maybe it will inspire me to donate my hair.... Hmmm....

And, I was a big Babysitter Club book reader too! Are they still around? Wonder if our daughters will read them one day?

I've been thinking of you.
Hope you'll let me know how the blood tests turned out.

ohAmanda said...

Love love love the hair! SO adorable!! You're the 2nd person this week I know who's done this! Good for you.

And the cheetah. How cool is that?!

OK. Tight rolling. *sigh* Please don't ever ever come back in style.

Louise said...

LOVE the new do!! Way to go, change is good sometimes ;)
WOW petting a cheetah that is nuts!! don't know that I would have been that brave..way to go!!


Unknown said...

Val! thank you for taking the pics of me! i love your hair! its is so adorable! i've been thinking about cutting my hair, and donating it. but its hard to part with it! ahaha (:

Unknown said...

You're welcome, Ash! I had a BLAST! I'm still working on them . . . Can't wait to show you them all.

Aimée said...

Val, I love your new do! I am also growing my hair out to donate it! In a couple of months, I think it will be ready....but I am kinda scared to cut it now, too!!!