
It's really real!

Do you ever not feel creative?  Yeah, that's me today.  But I really want to get you updated on the latest on our house, so bear with me in this uncreative thinking.  It's beautiful, sunny and 80 degrees today.  I want to be outside!  But alas, Finn is napping and we live on the 2nd level, so a boring blog post (written from the blah indoors) it is for me at the moment.  :)

Thursday it rained quite a bit so I assumed nothing would get done.  But that morning they begin prepping for the foundation!  I was suprised when we drove up and saw this:

Friday I expected nothing to get done since the ground was so wet.  But having a tiny bit of hope, the kids and I drove by after to school, and to our dismay, most of the foundation had been poured!


That evening we all went back as a family.  Since ground had been broken on Monday, Neil hadn't had the chance to see any of it but through my pictures.  So before Maia's softball practice, we went by again.  Neil was pretty impressed.

It's really real!  We are building OUR house! 

We have had our plans for a few weeks now, but hadn't opened them since reviewing them with our builder.  So this morning we opened them.  Good thing it's the right house!


We thought we had picked out the stone we want for the front but as a few weeks have passed, I think our minds have changed.  So our hopes today are to make a decision.  Things like this seem so critical! But of course we know in the grand scheme of things, they aren't.  So far it's fun. . . really really fun, which is good because I have all summer of this and 3 kids at home to drive me crazy to love them more.  This all should be more than interesting (hopefully all the good kind of interesting!).  Another great chapter in our lives that I can't wait to write it.  Wait, I guess I already am ;) Thank you for sharing in it with me thus far.  xo


Missy!! said...

I LOVE that your laundry room is upstairs! I never understood why they were downstairs when all the dirty clothes and the home of clean clothes were upstairs! :)

Jennifer said...

I'm soooo glad your back!!!!!!!! I have a lot of catching up. I'll righ more later.

Jenn W

Alexis Jacobs said...

I can't wait to watch it all happen through your blog!! What an exciting thing for you all!

Jennifer said...

you will love the mud room. we have one. best thing we got!! i'm so happy fot you guys. long deserving!

ohAmanda said...

YAY for a new house! YAY for Purple Valley! YAY for Val!

Love you, girlfriend!!

kristin said...

holy cow! look at the size of your closet!! that's awesome :) and the front looks beautiful -- we look forward to our first visit to omaha AND your new home after it's done and you're settled in.