Synposis and diagnosis.
(For some of you, you already know this -- sorry for the repeat!)
Thankfully, the thyroid blood tests, glucose, etc., all came back normal -- yay! Problem, however was my blood pressure. Weird, eh?!
Yeah, I had SUPER high BP. It was worse than when I was pre-eclampsic with both Noah and Maia during my pregnancies. At the beginning of my appointment it was 148/98, second time it was taken (different person and different BP thingie), it was 150/100 (2nd time was taken by the doc herself). She said THAT is what is most likely causing my dizziness. I've also been experiencing some heart palpitations (which I have never experienced before) and the high BP could be the cause of that, too. I've also been so tired and having bad bad headaches -- also symptoms of high BP. So I now start taking BP medications and in 11 days I call the doctor after having it taken and report in what my BP numbers were (my dad has a BP thingie that I'm borrowing and I guess Neil will be my nurse, hehe). We'll then go from there on what needs to be done next . . . I never ever thought THIS would be what's happening! At the same time, thank God it's probably nothing worse.
The BP thing is weird because other than during pregnancy, I have never had high BP in my life. It's always been perfect or below. So this is strange, but definitely explains why I have been feeling as "off" as I have!! Why the high BP, though, who knows? Could be stress. I've been under a lot of because I have had hair loss (caused by my birth control pills, another thing we had to go over at my appointment), and just so much else going on . . . been the busiest I have ever been with my work, my cat and a problem we're having with him forcing me to probably have to give him away, etc. I think it's maybe catching up with me. Or....I'm just one of those destined genetically for high BP. My dad has high BP and high cholesterol, both of which he can't control with eating and exercise because it's hereditary for him as well (he's in great shape -- very active -- eats very well -- he has tried, but it doesn't help him). His sister also has it, so did their mother, my grandma. I wish I had my mom's side of the family's genes. They seem to be much stronger.
I'm very happy. Still not feeling well because there's no magic answer for that. I will fill my script for the BP meds tomorrow and hopefully those will take effect right away. I look forward to not feeling so weird and dizzy and not myself. I've felt like I've been just "floating" and just not really "here" most of the time. It's been a weird experience. This morning I woke up with my feet tingly. It's kinda of scary when you know your heart is being affected and you can't really control it. I'm trying not to think about that or else I'll probably just make it worse being the worry-wart that I am.
I decided not to take on any weddings next year. I've turned down a 1/2 dozen calls, one at the country club of Champaign. I just think I really need the break. They wear me out during and after with all the proof work I have to do. And I really don't make all that money anyhow considering how much I spend working on a wedding as a whole. I do have one in Houston, TX, but that's it. And I'm not planning on anymore unless it's like Hawaii or something :) I think this will not only be good for me, but our family, too. I am actually really looking forward to being more "free" on weekends.
When I told the doctor about my taking no more weddings she said "noooooooo. You were going to photograph my daughter's wedding!" I said, "well, I'm always open to making exceptions and I definitely would for you." I love her. She is the best doctor I have ever had. Not because of what she said. She just is.
Neil is gone tonight to Pittsburg, so it's just me and the kids. When they go to bed I'm just going to enjoy the quietness. I really really think I need that.
Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. Hopefully the BP medication is the answer. Pray that it come down and that my symptoms dissolve away. The symptoms have been the scariest for me. I want this to be something that is controllable and will allow me to continue living my life. The last 2 weeks I have hardly lived.
I am so glad you got some answers. ((hugs)) I am sure the meds will make a huge difference.
oh I am SOOOO glad it's something easily treatable & hope it doesn't take long for the meds to make a difference for ya! (((hugs)))
Praying for you Val
I do hope the meds help
I hope the kids go to sleep well so you can have all the peace and quiet that you need
Pray you feel normal again real soon
I pray it can be something that can be controlled
MASSIVE HUGS and lots of prayers for my dear
I am so glad you were able to find out what it is and start working on fixing it.
Good for you by the way and saying no when you need to the most. A career that you love is great but when your health could suffer its better to step back so you can keep doing your career for years to come and have good health!
I'm happy that you are on a path to feeling better! I've been worrying about you, girl! So with all those free weekends you'll be having next year a therapeutic and restful trip to see your Erin would definitely be in the plans, right? Right?
Yup, get on those pills and take good care of yourself! Your babies need you and so do your friends! Prayers and hugs!
love ya!
I thought my husband was dehydrated a couple summers ago so we went to the ER. His BP was 200 over something, they thought he was about to have a stroke. No wonder he felt like crap. He's on 2 BP meds now..which have side effects. He has major constipation issues.. and insomnia. BUT he's not likely to have a take the good w/ the bad.
Take care...and take those pills!!
Oh, Val! I feel so bad that I'm not updated on your blog...rather on YOU. I'm glad you got some info from your doc tho'---and even though HBP isn't good, at least it's something "normal". I'm praying this medication helps and you can find some other good ways to combat it, too.
Praying for you!!
Glad to hear that you got the results and that there is something definite that you can do...hope it is the answer to you getting back to feeling normal!!
So happy to hear this. I hope you are already feeling more like yourself by the time you get this comment. Praying that the meds are what you need and will get you back to "normal". I'm sure this whole thing has been so scary.
I'm also really thankful that I got married when I did... :)
Please don't tell me you are going to stop shooting babies!!! :)
Enjoy your family time, Val.
Hopefully we can see each other soon.
First and foremost, I'm glad that is only a blood pressure thing. Secondly, I hope you are feeling better now that you are on the medicine. And last, but not awesome of a photographer you are! I bet people are really down that they don't get a chance to have YOU be their photographer. :)
praying for you. glad you got some answers and that you like your doc. xoxoxo
One really great thing about a diagnosis - even one you're not thrilled with - is that you can now take steps to move forward and help your doctor help you get better.
Hang in there.
hopefully the meds will kick in soon and you'll see a difference in how you feel. Scary about the BP, but isn't it wonderful that we live in an age where things like that can be controlled so easily?
Feel better!
I have missed checking up on you! My computer at home is so slow and takes sooo long for everything to load! I am sorry you are feeling bad lately. I hope that this high bp diagnosis will fix everything. for you taking a break from weddings.....I hope that you are able to start shooting weddings again by the time I get married because I don't want anyone else to shoot mine but you! I want the best, and that is you!!!!
I have missed checking up on you! My computer at home is so slow and takes sooo long for everything to load! I am sorry you are feeling bad lately. I hope that this high bp diagnosis will fix everything. for you taking a break from weddings.....I hope that you are able to start shooting weddings again by the time I get married because I don't want anyone else to shoot mine but you! I want the best, and that is you!!!!
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